Counterfeiting of brands and products can mean significant financial damage for a company, but also substantial damage to its reputation.
Protection is granted by Articles 473 and 474 of the Penal Code.
Three main damaging typologies are identified:
- Trade mark infringement
- Trading of products and goods with a counterfeit trademark
- Trading of products with a deceitful trademark
In order to enhance and protect their products, companies must have in place a vigilant and competent management system, continuous monitoring and be prepared to intervene promptly and effectively.
To help companies address and prevent this phenomenon, Telejnform provides the following:
- A service aimed at searching for and purchasing the counterfeit product through investigations;
- Collaboration with structures which are responsible for carrying out analyses to verify the authenticity of the product;
- Reporting the incident to the competent authorities, which take the necessary steps to remove the product from the market;
- Material and evidence for any legal action.
We offer our clients assistance in the field of online and offline Brand Reputation through partner companies, also in the administration field. In addition, via the company’s internal legal department, we can offer both judicial and extrajudicial assistance.
Searching for a counterfeit product and identifying those who are responsible for the infringement is a problem that is widely addressed by Telejnform.
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